Type of Officer: Police Officer
Jurisdiction: Lawrence
County: Douglas
Death Date: 10/16/1909
Added to Memorial: 1990
Circumstances of Death: Gunshot
T. Wilson Pringle, Lawrence police officer, was shot Monday, October 11, 1909, by Earl Bullock and died at Simmon’s Hospital in Lawrence, October 16, 1909. Bullock reportedly despondent after his fiancee broke off their engagement broke into Albert Nollers’ 2nd hand shop in Lawrence and stole two guns which he later used to rob the State Bank of Eudora of approximately$1,000. Although Deputy Sheriff Woods had gone to Eudora to arrest Bullock, prior to the bank robbery, Bullock got the jump on him and locked both Woods and Cashier Wilson in the vault. Bullock returned to Lawrence and officer Pringle, acting on a tip, went to a house at 1201 Haskell where Bullock was living to arrest him for the 2nd hand shop robbery. He knew nothing of the bank robbery. Pringle knocked on the door and was instantly shot in the neck. He was taken to the hospital but died five days later. Bullock joined with an accomplice and robbed the Eudora bank again on November 12, 1909. When cornered by a posse one was captured and Bullock shot himself. He died the next day.

Panel: 31