Type of Officer: Special Agent
Jurisdiction: Santa Fe Railroad
County: Sedgwick
Death Date: 4/30/1975
Added to Memorial: 2009
Circumstances of Death: Gunshot
Santa Fe Railroad Special Agent Jimmie Allen Barnett was patrolling for trespassers on the elevated overpass tracks near Wichita Union Station on the evening of April 29, 1975. S.A. Barnett was walking northbound along the west side of the elevated railroad tracks near a steep, rocky embankment when he was struck by an 18-car northbound Santa Fe freight train. Special Agent Barnett succumbed to severe head injuries the following day, April 30, 1975. Special Agent Barnett had worked as a Special Agent for the Santa Fe Railroad from 1957 until he resigned in 1959 and returned to that position in 1969. He was 44 years old at the time of his death.

Panel: 38