Type of Officer: Police OfficerJurisdiction: TopekaCounty: ShawneeDeath Date: 4/11/1955Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotOfficer “Boots” Shields, who was either responding to a tip or was continuing an investigation into a burglary ring, made a...
Type of Officer: Deputy SheriffJurisdiction: Rice CountyCounty: RiceDeath Date: 11/24/1954Added to Memorial: 2000Circumstances of Death: Accidental AutomobileOn the evening of November 24, 1954, Rice County Deputy Sheriff William H. Everett was dispatched to an...
Type of Officer: Deputy SheriffJurisdiction: Wyandotte CountyCounty: WyandotteDeath Date: 8/29/1954Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotBedell and his partner, Louis LeManske, were on patrol when they were flagged down by a robbery victim who pointed...
Type of Officer: Corrections OfficerJurisdiction: LansingCounty: LeavenworthDeath Date: 6/20/1954Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotCorrections Office Kenaga responded to a situation in which inmates at the state penitentiary, armed with guns and...
Type of Officer: SheriffJurisdiction: Saline CountyCounty: SalineDeath Date: 9/17/1952Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: Beating; causing Heart AttackDuring a court hearing for a murder case, the defendant became unruly and combative. As the sheriff...
Type of Officer: Deputy SheriffJurisdiction: Johnson CountyCounty: JohnsonDeath Date: 6/23/1952Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotEarly on the morning of June 23, Sergeant Carver and Patrolman Floyd Gaunt were investigating an attempted auto theft....