Robert H Vest

Robert H Vest

Type of Officer: Deputy SheriffJurisdiction: Cowley CountyCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 1/17/1964Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: Automobile AccidentWhile on patrol near Arkansas City, Deputy Vest was killed in a one-car accident. Panel:...
Robert H Vest

Richard Kreuger

Type of Officer: Police OfficerJurisdiction: WinfieldCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 9/3/1920Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotThe Winfield Police Department received a call reporting that John Shoup had been following and annoying a woman. Officers...
Robert H Vest

A. O. Welfelt

Type of Officer: SheriffJurisdiction: Cowley CountyCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 1/28/1907Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: Accidental GunshotSheriff Welfelt had tracked murderer Louis Bloomfield to Ponca City, Oklahoma Territory. On November 22, 1906, as...
Robert H Vest

John J. Breene

Type of Officer: ConstableJurisdiction: Arkansas CityCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 11/27/1906Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotOn November 17, 1906, City Constable Breene surprised a burglar in his own house. The man, a known burglar that Breene...
Robert H Vest

George C. Montgomery

Type of Officer: Special OfficerJurisdiction: Santa Fe RailroadCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 10/5/1901Added to Memorial: 2007Circumstances of Death: GunshotOn the night of October 5, 1901, Santa Fe Special Officer George C. Montgomery sat at a table in his Winfield home...
Hugh H. Siverd

Hugh H. Siverd

Type of Officer: ConstableJurisdiction: WinfieldCounty: CowleyDeath Date: 10/25/1893Added to Memorial: 1987Circumstances of Death: GunshotConstable Siverd arrested bootlegger Wilbur Norton on a warrant and was taking him to jail when they were confronted by Morgan...